I am writing to express my deepest gratitude for your overwhelming support in passing Measure 24-498. With almost 73% of voters in favor, we have achieved a milestone that will significantly impact the future of the Gervais School District.
Your decisive vote has not only affirmed your commitment to the education and well-being of our students but has also paved the way for us to address the pressing facility needs that have long challenged our district. This support marks a turning point, allowing us to move forward with the vital repairs and updates our schools desperately need.
As many of you know, our district has faced numerous hurdles over the years, from unsuccessful bond attempts to tough decisions about selling property to keep our schools functioning. Despite these efforts, our facilities continued to age and deteriorate. Your recent vote reflects a collective determination to ensure that our students learn in safe, warm and dry environments.
With this new bond, we are now poised to tackle these facility issues head-on and continue our focus on providing exceptional educational experiences. Together, we have taken a significant step toward a brighter future for our district, and I am eager to work to ensure we honor our promise and your commitment to our students.
- Dandy Stevens, Superintendent
Gervais School District
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